A car loan is a great way to drive your dream car without making the complete payment upfront. You don't need to wait for some more months or years to buy your dream car as you can take a car loan to meet your fund requirement.
*Rates and programs are subject to change without notice. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is determined by credit score, age of vehicle, and term. APR shown is based on $10,000 loan. All loans subject to credit approval. Deduct 0.50% for auto-debit payments from a Newcastle Bank Bank deposit account. Add 1.00% with credit score below 675. Vendor's single interest insurance is required when applicable. Auto insurance required. Interest rates and programs subject to change without notice. Insurance required. Certain restrictions may apply.
**Rates, terms & conditions effective as of 7/1/2019. Offer applies to purchase or refinance of a new or used automobile. Not available for refinance of existing loans currently financed by Newcastle Bank Bank. Rate shown includes 0.50% deduction for automatic debit payments from a Newcastle Bank Bank checking account for auto loan. $55.00 processing fee waived for a limited time.
Achieve all your goals and aspirations; with the right kind of help, exactly when you need it.
Newcastle Bank offers new car loan at fair interest rates and adjustable repayment terms. Fast sanction, personalised service and absolute transparency in new car loans.
We have tie-ups across the widest range of authorised pre-owned car dealers. Attractive car loans for used cars. Pre-Owned car finance available at Newcastle Bank .
With no income documents required, getting a loan couldn’t get any easier. Borrow-Loan Company offers you car loan at basic interest rates and flexible EMI for repayment.
Newcastle Bank also grant different loans like Home loan, Personal loan and Educate loan at fair rate of interest and flexible EMI. For more detail you can check our loan products.
All loans are not created equal, personal loan has become a great option for people to use.
Any salaried, self-employed or professional Public and Privat companies, Government sector employees including Public Sector is eligible for a personal loan.
Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years
Minimum Net Monthly Income: $1,000
Applicant should have the bank specified credit score.
If you have a question that deals with clients, customers or the public in general, there is bound to be a need for the FAQ page.
Yes, you can pay off your loan early. Infact, when you pay off your loan early, you get rewarded by Newcastle Bank Bank and you get a reduced interest-on-loan in future.
Yes, we do. ALl you have to do is contact our Customer support, answer a few questions and we'll happily re-finance your loan.
You can reach us by email at support@Fidelity Onlinebank.com or give us a call.
As soon as you are ready, we are also ready to have you. And it is easy to apply:
We are located in strategic locations around the world. Kindly send us an email to know the nearest location near you or reach us online through any of our points.
Now apply for a Car Loan online, All you need to do is provide your details below application form.